Saturday, December 31, 2011

China and Communism

(a small review between two galleries)

I went to China to see communism. That wasn't the goal of my trip, nor something nostalgic, nor I tried to prove something to someone. China presently is almost the only communist country in the world which frighten with just one color and one word politicized representatives of capitalist countries. And this fact attracts.

And so? I have noticed very few political things I was used to see in my childhood. There weren't columns of people marching, nor posters with Jehovah's Witnesses faces. It could be that my opinion was influenced by the fact that I do not speak nor read Chinese thus images is the only way for me to acquire information. It could also be that what I looked for was of a different matten hard to understand for a person of a different culture. But anyway these are some things that I noticed.

Quite often I saw posters greeting citizens with 90 (!!!) year of communist regime. But it could be only because we came during the celebration. These posters were laconic graphically - white hieroglyphs on red background. I asked to translate one of them and the sens was as simple as the look. I have noticed less flags than posters. Less even than in the States. Their culture which counts thousands of years is much more vivid and bright. Thus instead of flags they use multicolored ribbons and instead of posters they have magnificent architecture.

Word "capitalism" frighten them less than people living in North America. They are so numerous and overcrowded that thy have to fight for the lump of bread and some place under the sun. Live is first, politics second.

Multifaced Buddhism, balanced Taoism and China-born Confucianism are so rich that they leave almost no place for the politics.

Once I have noticed a manifestation. I have seen some posters-announcements for the foreign press. You can find the message in the 4th image. Very interesting! Was it a desperate cry or a wise tourist-political move or the real freedom of speech - it is for you to decide!

Magnificent and dynamic sculpture before Mao-soleum
Above mentioned poster in the center of Beijing
Family man (judging on documents shown) on one of the roads in Luoyang
No, it is not a revolution, juste a commercial road of printers of flags and signs
The only "red" subway

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